English Writing --- Learning Engilsh Forever....

This is my BLOG, my name is Jayce. I am a Taiwaness, I enjoy my culture and life. This place is post my Engilsh wirting. I pratice English. If I have any false sentence. Please give me a advice. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Revise Assignment2:Compare and contrast living at home and in the dormitory?

Compare and contrast living at home and in the dormitory?
The most obvious different between living at home and in the dormitory is the people we live with; the former is parents and families, and the latter is friends or roommates. Because feeling of affinity links us closer, no matter whomever we live with is no different. Therefore, the first reason is whomever we live with may be changing our personal characters. Second, wherever we live perhaps could increase our life experience. Finally, there are some advantages about at home and in the dormitory.
When we live with our families, we would have our own way to do what we want to do. Whatever we do, families will tolerate our temperament and forgive our behavior. Thus, maybe at home we could be an asocial person. If we live in the dormitory, we will learn to be independent, to be stronger when you have no families’ support. Realizing their personality deeply is the matter that we can learn to improve ourselves characters, and being a dependent and easygoing person.
Living in the dormitory also could go along with the people who have different backgrounds. It’s a new opportunity to interact with them. Because of them, we could learn a lot of different experience. For example, my roommate is an outgoing person; she had plenty of activity experience. I always listen to her moment, and I have lots of ideas to learn how to manage my life
Besides, if we live in the dormitory with our classmates we can study together and discuss homework. We also could save time to commute, and get up later for the class. However, if we live at home, we wouldn’t worry about our meal and laundry. We will live with our parents whom we love very much. Home is just likes a harbor of refuge, in which we share cheerful and sorrowful moments. Dormitory is also a wonderful place, when we can gain much special experience. Families and roommates are important people to us, so it’s very lucky to have chances live with them respectively.
Consequently, whoever we live with, the important thing I think is having great relationship with the people you live with. No matter where we live, the place is the same as a harbor of refuge.

Journal writing2: Describe your family

I have a sweet family includes my grandparents, my parents, my two young sisters. I love my family. My families have different interests. However, when we eat lunch at the table. After lunch, we watch TV in the living room. We have correspondingly rest. Besides, we always have many topic of conversation. It links our families’ emotion.

My grandparents enjoy brewing up tea with reading radio. Furthermore, my grandfather likes watching political news and commenting on the political affairs. My grandmother is different from my grandfather; my grandmother loves to grow vegetables and to pickle it. She is a traditional woman, always tells our children something important sense.

My parents are model couple. Whatever they did, they are usually together. My father is a farmer, and my mother is a helping farmer also a housewife. My father is very serious in our life, but he is very humor. He always does something interesting, let us belly laugh. He enjoys watching political news with grandfather drinking some alky. He also accompanies mother watching telenovela. My mother loves watching Korea serials. She also likes growing vegetable with my grandmother.

My sisters are sweet and cute sisters. I thank for I could live with them. Because of them, let my life bring and happiness. We also like listening to music, watching TV, chatting on the bed. We do many things in the same way; moreover say something is also alike. Whatever, we always have a tacit agreement.

Consequently, thanks God to give me the happiness and sweet family. Whatever you do, families will forgive you. Whatever you say, families will realize you. Home is a harbor of refuge for me.

Journal Writing3: A person I admire

Who is the person I admire? Certainly, my father is. I love my father very much. He has innumerable advantage. Because of his devotions, treasure my mother, concerned our children’s life. He is honest in business. Besides, he treats his friends sincerely. In conclusion, he is responsible to everything.

In the family, father is an august man; in fact he is a kind father. No matter he is exhausted; he will see my ailing grandparents to the doctor. In his free time, he will keep my grandparents accompany. My father is jealous of my mother from living detail could understand. He is afraid of my mother too tired and does something he can do by himself. He will share something worried things with her. They are happiness. He does justice to our three daughters, lectures us when we do faults, rewards us when we’re great. Let us be better in the future.

Father is a farmer, he works in faith. In the business circle, people accept his plant and convince his ability. Therefore, my father also has better friends in the business circle. When his friends came to a fine pass, he will do the best to help them. Sometimes, we traveled with his friends, and had big meal with them. When we were in trouble, his friends also did us a favor to pass the position.

I admire my father very much. Furthermore, I love my father deeply. Because of him, I will be responsible person, and don’t let him despair. Finally, Daddy, I love you. I will try my best to let you proud of me. In the future, I must have to be a person, like you’re responsible.

Journal Writing1: Something that you are proud of

I am proud of my responsibility. I am a student; I have duty on study work. I am a daughter and older sister; I must set an example for my family. I am an employee; I do the best on my work. Whoever I am, I have perfect responsibility on everything I do.

To be a student, the important thing is in charge of our study. For example, going to the class on time, don’t be absent; don’t out of mind in class. All must to do is concentrating on study. Being a daughter and older sister, taking parents ease, take care of younger sister. Anyway, just let family be contented. I have a job in the school helping secretary to deal with school administration. Be carefully to accomplish the matter what secretary ordered.

I am proud of my responsibility; it brings a lot of lucky for me. I get a lot of happiness from my family, my study, my job. I think if I keep the advantage, I will be reach lots of achievements in the future.

Revise Assignment1: Why Did You Choose Your Major?

My major is Business Administration. Why did I choose this major? It was traced back to my senior high school. I majored in International Trade in vocational high school.

When I was a junior high school student, I hope I could be a general senior high school student. Unfortunately, I failed the entrance exam. I had to choose the vocational school. Perhaps I loved watching movies, so I dreamed that I want to be an office lady who dresses fashion suit and puts on high-heeled shoes with a grand briefcase. Being looked like excellent people who work in the magnificent office, it’s the person I want to be. In the meanwhile, I also asked my teachers for advice and my parent to support me completely.

When I entered the vocation school, I found that I was interested in those subjects. The most important is the management gave me a great sense of achievements. Thus, I gave myself a goal that studying hard to apply for NTUST Business Administration. Because of our teachers in the university, I have more exception being a successful CEO.

Nowadays, many companies have great management strategies, and plenty of businesses are famous and succeed all over the world. I hope I could operate a successful business to realize my dream come true.