English Writing --- Learning Engilsh Forever....

This is my BLOG, my name is Jayce. I am a Taiwaness, I enjoy my culture and life. This place is post my Engilsh wirting. I pratice English. If I have any false sentence. Please give me a advice. Thanks.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Which is more important for your life? Knowledge from books you read, or personal experiences in reality. Please use details to explain your answer?

Knowledge from personal experiences is more important than books you read. In my opinion, the book is the ability and the experience is the opportunity. However, the personal experiences are more valuable than the books. We can spend money and time to learn the knowledge from books, but the experience is too difficult to buy.

Personal experiences are our past which may be help our or change our life. Besides, the experience bring us some inspires. Experience is the opportunity to increase our knowledge. Besides, the knowledge from books is our ability, maybe it can be said, the books is the item to increase our abilities to deal with the matter.

For example, we can learn by traveling everywhere which is our real experience. Perhaps, we also can learn by reading travel or other books which is the dead sentences on the book. However, I don’t think reading books is the good way to increase knowledge. In case, we suddenly have a problem, what should we do to deal with? I think the experience is the best knowledge to help us.

Consequently, the experience is the way to promote our knowledge, and reading books is also the way. If we can use knowledge from our experiences and books we read, the knowledge could be very powerful and useful.


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