English Writing --- Learning Engilsh Forever....

This is my BLOG, my name is Jayce. I am a Taiwaness, I enjoy my culture and life. This place is post my Engilsh wirting. I pratice English. If I have any false sentence. Please give me a advice. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Journal Writing3: A person I admire

Who is the person I admire? Certainly, my father is. I love my father very much. He has innumerable advantage. Because of his devotions, treasure my mother, concerned our children’s life. He is honest in business. Besides, he treats his friends sincerely. In conclusion, he is responsible to everything.

In the family, father is an august man; in fact he is a kind father. No matter he is exhausted; he will see my ailing grandparents to the doctor. In his free time, he will keep my grandparents accompany. My father is jealous of my mother from living detail could understand. He is afraid of my mother too tired and does something he can do by himself. He will share something worried things with her. They are happiness. He does justice to our three daughters, lectures us when we do faults, rewards us when we’re great. Let us be better in the future.

Father is a farmer, he works in faith. In the business circle, people accept his plant and convince his ability. Therefore, my father also has better friends in the business circle. When his friends came to a fine pass, he will do the best to help them. Sometimes, we traveled with his friends, and had big meal with them. When we were in trouble, his friends also did us a favor to pass the position.

I admire my father very much. Furthermore, I love my father deeply. Because of him, I will be responsible person, and don’t let him despair. Finally, Daddy, I love you. I will try my best to let you proud of me. In the future, I must have to be a person, like you’re responsible.


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