English Writing --- Learning Engilsh Forever....

This is my BLOG, my name is Jayce. I am a Taiwaness, I enjoy my culture and life. This place is post my Engilsh wirting. I pratice English. If I have any false sentence. Please give me a advice. Thanks.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Journal Writing6: The Effect of the Invention of Computers

Nowadays, computer is distributed around the world, and it brings our human a great deal of help. Moreover, computer influences our life, brings some effect to our people.
“Convenience and Communication” the two factors are the effect of computers.

The first effect is convenience. Computers save our time and increase our working efficiency. We could us computer to calculator, write and do a lot of things. We also could use computer through the Explorer and shopping in the Internet. Just move your mouse, and the food or supplies will deliver to your home. Watching scenes in the computer has replayed TV. In the Internet, there are thousand of scenes to be provided. Just save the documents in our hard disk. We will watch “TV” anytime. Listening music is not in the shop. We also could buy and listen to music in Internet. Wow, so convenience thing.

I think the most influential effect of computer is communication. Because of Internet, links the communication all over would. We could us MSN or Skype to call or watch our family or friend on the computer. Moreover, we also could use Internet to talk with foreign and practice our English. Therefore, Computers is the important tool to communication.

Computers have a big influent about our life. Now, I think I can live without computer. Who is the inventor? You’re so great, and thank you for your invention.


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