English Writing --- Learning Engilsh Forever....

This is my BLOG, my name is Jayce. I am a Taiwaness, I enjoy my culture and life. This place is post my Engilsh wirting. I pratice English. If I have any false sentence. Please give me a advice. Thanks.

Monday, April 24, 2006

1st draft of Assignment3: Types of singers in Taiwan

In fact, the singers in Taiwan have no absolutely positions, because some singers attend drama performance or program directors. However, if we give a definition about singers in Taiwan, we would find that there are types of singers, such as composer of singers, rock and roll bands, and ability of singers. All of singer is the same, because they full of sound in the world. Besides, they bring us much impression on entertainments in different period time.

The composers of singers succeed in entertainment, such as Jay Chou, Leehom Wang, David Tao…etc. Jay Chou is my favorite idle, because he has wrote much fantastic melody about Chinese ancient history, family relationship and sentiments in R&B or Rap way. He said composing music expressed his emotion and hopes. However, Jay disseminates his music all over the world. To be a composer of singers must publish their thought to touch audiences and to enhance Taiwan Melody.

Rock and roll bands could promote morale in our life. They are power and vigor bands, and the famous are May Day and Shin Band. May Day is a group to pursue their music dream, and they always use dialect language to sing up their enthusiasm. Shin Band is an extreme musical group to bellow at a high pitch, and try to shout their conviction. Moreover, they perform in super rock to drive audiences to be crazy.

The ability of singers who are good at singing and have a great voice bring us pleasing music to our ear, such us A-mei, Yanzi-Sun, and Jolin. A-mei has a strong voice to perform sonorous style. Yanzi has a typical voice to express moving song. Jolin is a singer and a dancer; she always sings with dancing. All over of them are the perfect singers in the entertainment, and they will express the music by their voice to touch us.

Consequently, in different times and different place have their own music cultures. Music is the way to preserve our culture and to show our style. Music is also a memory to record our Taiwanese’s life.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Journal Writing5: My Favorite Kind of Movie

There are lots of kinds of movies, such as comedy, romance, horrible, action movie, thriller…etc. Besides, different movies have their style. I prefer comedy and romance to others. Comedy movies have a lot of fun and interesting action let us have a sidesplitting laugher. Romance movies that are much touching could express our emotion. All in all, watching movies will relax our mind and life, the romance and comedy is the good way to release the feeling.

There are a lot of comedy movies, such as Jim Carrey’s representative “Bruce Almighty”, Stephen Chow’s “Kung Fu”. The two well-known actors perform plenty of comedy movies. Stephen Chow’s also directed many famous movies. They brought out a lot of fashions of laugh. The medical studies said people had better to watch a comedy movie a day. Nowadays, people are busy working and fighting for life and have a lot of pressure. Therefore, I always watch a short film which is fun a day to let my mind be joyful.

Romance movies also exist in our life; a lot of movies are related to the romance. Titanic is known to all in early periods. In the recently, “Walk the Line”, “Rumor Has It”, and “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” is about action and thriller movie, but it’s also romance.
Actually, I prefer watching romance to comedy. Because romance expresses my sentiment about love, I admire scenarist’s thought about people’s communication of emotion. Perhaps I adore a perfect love is alike to the movie.

Consequently, watching movies is a relax activity. However, watching helpful movies is good for our mind. Movie is just a medicine to relieve our pressure. Choosing the movie which could let you relish and feel, so I think comedy and romance is the best way.

Journal Writing4: What are the advantages and disadvantages of home schooling?

Home Schooling stands for studying is not only in school but also at home. However, the study type is not very prevailed around Taiwan area. Perhaps, it will be popularized someday. Therefore, if home schooling exists, it will be many positive problems. For instance, it gives defectives a favor; furthermore, students could learn more elasticity. Nevertheless, it could have something negative problems, such as; it will decrease interacting of interpersonal relationship. Besides, it will increase instructional cost.

Home schooling offers their demands. In order to avoid defectives’ security, they are inconvenient to go out often. In addition, parents worried about children’s safety because violence in schoolyard is rampant. On the other hand, parents hope their children’s will have a bright future. Altogether, they are anxious about their children’s learning performance.

Contrary to the society fact, it’s important about interpersonal relationship. If we study at home, it will decrease people’s interacting, be worst at communication. Studying at home also cost too much instructional cost, for example, private teachers or parent’s education abilities. It will invest too much time and money to teach a student at home.

Consequently, maybe home schooling exists in Taiwan. If you also want to home schooling, please consider carefully your time and money could bear the burden.