English Writing --- Learning Engilsh Forever....

This is my BLOG, my name is Jayce. I am a Taiwaness, I enjoy my culture and life. This place is post my Engilsh wirting. I pratice English. If I have any false sentence. Please give me a advice. Thanks.

Monday, April 24, 2006

1st draft of Assignment3: Types of singers in Taiwan

In fact, the singers in Taiwan have no absolutely positions, because some singers attend drama performance or program directors. However, if we give a definition about singers in Taiwan, we would find that there are types of singers, such as composer of singers, rock and roll bands, and ability of singers. All of singer is the same, because they full of sound in the world. Besides, they bring us much impression on entertainments in different period time.

The composers of singers succeed in entertainment, such as Jay Chou, Leehom Wang, David Tao…etc. Jay Chou is my favorite idle, because he has wrote much fantastic melody about Chinese ancient history, family relationship and sentiments in R&B or Rap way. He said composing music expressed his emotion and hopes. However, Jay disseminates his music all over the world. To be a composer of singers must publish their thought to touch audiences and to enhance Taiwan Melody.

Rock and roll bands could promote morale in our life. They are power and vigor bands, and the famous are May Day and Shin Band. May Day is a group to pursue their music dream, and they always use dialect language to sing up their enthusiasm. Shin Band is an extreme musical group to bellow at a high pitch, and try to shout their conviction. Moreover, they perform in super rock to drive audiences to be crazy.

The ability of singers who are good at singing and have a great voice bring us pleasing music to our ear, such us A-mei, Yanzi-Sun, and Jolin. A-mei has a strong voice to perform sonorous style. Yanzi has a typical voice to express moving song. Jolin is a singer and a dancer; she always sings with dancing. All over of them are the perfect singers in the entertainment, and they will express the music by their voice to touch us.

Consequently, in different times and different place have their own music cultures. Music is the way to preserve our culture and to show our style. Music is also a memory to record our Taiwanese’s life.


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