English Writing --- Learning Engilsh Forever....

This is my BLOG, my name is Jayce. I am a Taiwaness, I enjoy my culture and life. This place is post my Engilsh wirting. I pratice English. If I have any false sentence. Please give me a advice. Thanks.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examp

Nowadays, no one can deny a person must have a skill. In my opinion, the important skill is language, and what kind of language is major, of course English which is international language. Language is very important in our life and basic skill we should have. Communication, for instance, uses the same language to express our thought and speak our knowledge. Furthurmore, different culture could learn by language.

Communicating with people is the first reason to learn language. People in the world have their own language, and how should we communicate with those people. We must translate their means to understand what could their thought.

Moreover, communication also brings us some news, such as different culture. We could travel by ourselves to another century and learn their culture and some habits.

Consequently, recently an issue is very hot that “global country” is coming. Learning a language skill is a important thing. However, just one foreign language is not enough. We must learn as more language as possible to increase our value.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Diagnostic Grammar Test I - Section Three

The Effects of an Invention or Innovation in Modern Life

Invention made a great impact on my life and it is also important to our human life. The invention of Internet for instance links our human life closely. Besides, the innovation of Wireless brings me a great deal of convenience to surf on the Internet. In the word, if there is no invention, we couldn’t have such convenience and ease to communicate with people. Consequently, the invention affects our life deeply and far, and it brings us a substantial efficacy.

The first influence of invention is convenience. In my opinion, Internet which is the most important element in my life saves me much time. The Yahoo Server to surf the News instead of reading Newspaper and in the past if we had a report, we would have went to the library to look for information, but nowadays The Search Engine help our lazy students. It not only saves us time but also offers us much information to read.

The other effect of invention is easy to communicate with my friends far away from me. Recently, there are plenty of messaged software, such as MSN Messager and Yahoo Messager. Typing or using the microphone to chat with them is so easy to stay in touch. By the way, there is a new product called webcam using to see your friends on the minor. It is so magic, isn’t it?

The effect brings us not only advantages but also some disadvantages. There are some recently researches, because of internet, it became a danger place of commitment. Chatting Room and trading through Internet bring us a huge negative impact. Therefore, be cautious to chat with strangers and buy things in the Internet.

Consequently, human are very greatest to invent and create such incredible missions. Anyway, thank for the creator to give us such comfortable life.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Which is more important for your life? Knowledge from books you read, or personal experiences in reality. Please use details to explain your answer?

Knowledge from personal experiences is more important than books you read. In my opinion, the book is the ability and the experience is the opportunity. However, the personal experiences are more valuable than the books. We can spend money and time to learn the knowledge from books, but the experience is too difficult to buy.

Personal experiences are our past which may be help our or change our life. Besides, the experience bring us some inspires. Experience is the opportunity to increase our knowledge. Besides, the knowledge from books is our ability, maybe it can be said, the books is the item to increase our abilities to deal with the matter.

For example, we can learn by traveling everywhere which is our real experience. Perhaps, we also can learn by reading travel or other books which is the dead sentences on the book. However, I don’t think reading books is the good way to increase knowledge. In case, we suddenly have a problem, what should we do to deal with? I think the experience is the best knowledge to help us.

Consequently, the experience is the way to promote our knowledge, and reading books is also the way. If we can use knowledge from our experiences and books we read, the knowledge could be very powerful and useful.